5 easy way to make money online in India

If you search online How to make money online in India you will find lots of articles on making money online. Here I am sharing some easy way to make money online in India. 

This year 2020 we are suffering from many finicial problems due to COVID-19. Many of Indians lost thier jobs and don't know how more people will be thrown out from multinational companies. According to a popular book Rich Dad poor Dad a person should not depend on single income sources. Its means if you are doing a job you must have some passive income sources. 

Don't worry about your job or your financial loss in your business, I am sharing you some simple examples of making money online.

 List of making money online in India

1. Youtube channel -  Creating a youtube channel is very profitable and free. All you have to upload some interesting videos. Once your channel become popular youtube will contact you to display ads on your youtube videos and you start earning money. Some popular Youtuber like Amit Badhana, Carry Minati, are earn lakhs of money per month from thier YouTube channel.

2. Affiliate Marketing- This is the second best source of Making money online in India. Amazon is the best place for affilate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a type of online marketing in which you have to promote the product on internet through various platforms like social media, YouTube channel or on your blog. You will get commision whenever people will purchase products from your links.  This is as simple as sharing memes or photos on Internet. You can share affiliates links on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp etc.

3. Freelancing- If you know some skills like website development, logo design, ppt making, banner design etc than you can easily make money online from websites like fivver, freelancer. There are lots of freelancer are earning money online across the India. 

4. Blogging - Yaah blogging is very traditional way to make money online in India. Before you start a blog you have to some basic knowledge of SEO. Also you have to know how to make a blog. You can start blogging free platform like blogger, worpress etc. This blog itself a best example of making money through blogging.

5. Stock Trading- This is the fastest way to make money online in minutes or in seconds. There are two ways to make money from stock market first by investing your money and second is by doing intraday trading. But it is very high risk to trade in Stock market you loss your capital money also. It is advised to first learn about stock market from websites like Nse India, investipedia etc. You have to first open a free stock trading account for Indian stock markets. 

These are some simple way to start making money online throughout internet connection with your laptop or smartphone. All are free to start even you can open free dmat trading account also. 

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