More Traffic is not important but targeted Traffic is more important for a website

I want to share my own experience because targeted traffic is more important. I created an online coupon website few years later. After the launching of my coupon website, it starts getting more and more traffic to the coupon website in just few months. Alexa ranking of my new coupon website was under 50000 in India also global ranking was in lacks. But see what happen to my online business that I was not getting any profit from my coupon website, because the traffic which lands to my coupon website are not online shoppers, they are the website developers. They are also willing to create a coupon website like mine.  Now a day’s my coupon website has only limited targeted traffics but profitable.

All new websites and blogs need numbers of traffic to become more successful in online business. It is more important that the visitors which are landing on your website will gives you profit. For example, if 10000 people are visits
Amazon website and no one is buying anything from it than it is not good traffic for Amazon. On other side if 10 people visit Amazon and they ordered $10000 cost of products than it is profitable traffic for it. So, we should do more research on the targeted customer rather than only more traffic.

There are lots of online tools like "Google Adword" which can send you targeted traffic to your website or blog. Google Adword is an online marketing tool for the targeted traffic. This is a paid SEO Advertising tool by which visitor comes to your website through Google search engine. Sometimes we see Ads in search results by Google. These Ads are from Google Adword. It can be also used for finding targeted keywords from it. The good things it this service is free. You have to just signup for Google Adword using your Google account. You can learn more on its website. So, friend start researching on your targeted traffic and make profit online.

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